Our offer

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International transport

Simply speaking, international haulage is a service entailing transport of cargoes between two or more countries. This can be done by sea, air or road. The latter is the most popular form of international freight transport.

Main Woz-Trans destinations

Woz-Trans has an extensive track record within the scope of handling international freight forwarding. At the outset, we primarily serviced destinations across East German – from Chemnitz, through Halle, Magdeburg, Hanover and all the way to Lübeck, where we loaded consignments heading for Poland.
Over time our network expanded to encompass the whole of Europe. Today, we ship to and from the Netherlands, Belgium, France as well as Luxembourg, Italy and Spain as part of our intra-Community services. We also have customers requiring deliveries to and collections from Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

pierwsze miejsce

Poland and international road haulage

Since 2014 Poland has been the largest international road freight haulier. Both in terms of tonne-kilometres (17.5%) and tonnage (30.7%). Whilst the European Union is the primary stage for these operations, Germany remains the main trading partner when it comes to country-to-country transport flows. It represents more than 40% of Poland’s international road freight transport. The rapidly growing Polish road freight haulage currently generates as much as 6% of the country’s GDP.

Forwarding services and the logistics network

The demand for forwarding services has been growing together with the freight transport industry. In many respects, the make-up of the Polish stock of hauliers is quite specific. Most are small businesses, with an average of 4 employees. And this means that we are primarily dealing with sole traders. Such arrangements often entail the business owner working as a driver, sometimes relying on the services of one or two other drivers. Often, such businesses lack the funds necessary to expand. In-house forwarders, freight-exchange subscriptions and acquiring direct customers all represent considerable costs. And it is here that forwarding companies such as Woz-Trans come into their own within the logistics network. Our range of services caters both for customers looking for transport solutions as well as hauliers operating HGVs.

Is Woz-Trans the right choice for you?

It all depends on what you require. As a general rule, one should avoid working with agents who are not able to provide a comprehensive service. Our specialists will seamlessly handle freight haulage across the whole of Europe. Experience and know-how are essential to deliver on that promise, as the diversity of regulations across different countries may seem overwhelming.

Customs duties, ferry crossings and other issues

International freight haulage within the European Union may seem trivial. Nonetheless, experienced forwarders are well aware of a plethora of circumstances with the potential to inflate transport costs. For example, transport flows to and from Sweden are subject to additional costs associated with ferry crossings. Whereas transporting freight to Italy (if entering that country from France) entails tolls for using the Mont Blanc Tunnel. Not to mention Swiss, Norwegian or British customs clearance fees.

Ciężarówka utknęła pod niskim mostem. (Twitter.com, Rob Lawrence)
Lorry gets stuck under a bridge (Twitter.com, Rob Lawrence)

Use of foreign languages in international freight haulage

We always do our best to make sure given routes are serviced by forwarders who know the customer’s native language. This means we are able to deliver flawless customer-forwarder-haulier communication. And in emergency situations, where the police might be involved or in the event of a need to contact a loading terminal, knowledge of the given country’s language more than often proves essential. In many cases, English will not suffice. Hence our emphasis on language skills within our qualified staff of forwarders. We proficiently speak Polish, German, English, French and Italian.


The intricacies of cabotage

In performing intra-community transport of goods, one has to be well versed within the scope of specialist cabotage knowledge. Familiarity with relevant Community regulations might not be enough to get a freight out of a tight spot. Such as? Well, to begin with insurers often pose problems as their policies do not cover cabotage operations. They are reluctant to do so, as it requires thorough knowledge of regulations in force across given EU member states. Not to mention the ability to accurately apply EU law to any claims and compensation awards. However, Woz-Trans has successfully negotiated favourable terms with a specialist cabotage insurer. This means your cargoes are safer.

Insurance worth its weight in gold

Excellent insurance terms are one of our most valuable assets. Our policy not only covers the operations of forwarders, but also domestic as well as international freight haulage. With a guarantee amount of €500,000 for one and €6 million for all events during the insurance period it is more than sufficient. Click here to see the Certificate of Insurance. Backed up by measures such as this one, we are able to provide a truly comprehensive service.

24 tonnes or half a pallet – we will see to all your needs!

Woz-Trans is the one stop shop for your international freight haulage needs. Full truck loads, general cargo (LTL), refrigerated or transport at short notice. We will also be happy to arrange transport of industrial or construction equipment. The word impossible is not in our vocabulary. With a bit of time, we can even perform miracles ? We have all the right tools for the job. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your international freight haulage enquiries – whatever they me be.